A Much Needed Update

September 4th, 2013

Hi friends,

I figured it would be a good idea to check in and say hi, and to let you all know that I’m alive and well (or as well as can be, considering).  As you may have noticed, I have not been keeping up with posting in this space.  I am still struggling with my Lyme Disease symptoms on a daily basis, and only have so much energy for work and the tasks of daily life.  I’m definitely doing better than when I last wrote, but I’m still struggling quite a bit most of the time.  I recently started an antibiotic regimen, and am hopeful that this will help.

In the meantime though this space may be a bit silent.  I am also in the process of transferring this blog to a new platform, which I’m really excited to share with you!  I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get to that though, so bear with me and have patience.  In the meantime, Justin and I will still be posting over on Soggy Roots, so follow along there if you wish.

I hope your summers have all been wonderful, and that fall is bringing positive changes into your life.  Here are a few photos from the last little bit.

Much love,

